
August 31, 2009

1. Clean Kitchen!!!

2. Sophies first dayt of school!!!! She was beyond excited for preschool.

3. YUMMY dinner!

4. Bike ride with kids home from school!

5. Family home evening!!!!

6. McEwan unloading the dishwasher 3 times in one day for me!!!


August 30, 2009

1. My family letting me sleep in until 12:30 ( Just what a mom needs every now and then)

2. Lesson in relief society on SERVICE

3. Family dinner on Sundays with my parents and brother and there familys

4. Lounging on the couch with my Hubby!

5. SUNDAY such a relaxing and mellow day.


August 29,2009

1. YUMMY......Lunch date with my Hubby

2. Bike ride with FAMILY!!!

3. Chris' new BIKE!

4. Saturday with my Husband!

5. My parents...enjoying the afternoon with Annie, McEwan and Sophie!


August 28, 2009

1. The excitement Annie had when her egg survived the drop!

2. McEwans teacher emailing me and teling me what a "delightful" kid he is.

3. Fun time at Relief Society Retreat!!!

4. Chris home to tend the kids while i got to go out with my friends

5. Sophie!!!


August 27, 2009

1. Fun Date with my husband
2. Helping Annie with her homework and how much she LOVES school
3. Lunch with my MOM
4. Shopping with Sophie and how much she made me smile and Laugh today.
5. Chris home to sleep next to me.