
November 29, 2009

1.  Strengthening my Testimony today at church!

2.  Christmas shopping! Wahoo....

3.  Enjoying a nice relaxing day with family!

4.  Helping my mom put up her Christmas!

5.  Egg Salad Sandwich!



8.  Sophies Comment on my hair......"Mom will you wash and curl your hair like that everyday!" I LOVE her!


November 25, 2009

1.  Having all the Christmas lights on in my house makes it feel so pretty I love it!!!!

2.  Muriel rescuing Chris and I at Cracker Barrell

3.  My Kids being able to play with there friends.

4.  Playing video games with my husband.

5.  Having a day off from school, and having to do nothing.


November 24, 2009

1.  Helping with Annies Thanksgiving party. It was fun for the kids to be able to make a blanket to donate to Woman and children in need.

2.  Family night playing Super Mario Bros. the new one.

3.  Getting my christmas decoration put up.

4.  Kids off for Thanksgiving Break

5.  Being home during the day with my Hot Husband! arrrrr....


November 23, 2009

1.  The Start of putting my Christmas up, I Love the mood it sits in my house.

2.  Messy Kitchen, Becasue we made dinner at home with homemade meatballs it was so yummy!

3.  My wonderful, happy, Kids! They put a BIG smile on my face!

4.  A Full day at home with my wonderful husband! smooches!

5.  Most of my boutique stuff cleaned up finally.

November 22, 2009

1.  Helping Annie with her homework making her indian tepee.

2.  Fixing Chicken cordon bleu for dinner and it was pretty tasty!

3.  Chris' help figuring out the money from the boutique.

4.  Sleeping in!

5.  Relaxing Sunday!

November 21, 2009

1.  Chris and McEwan playing in the ward turkey bowl.

2.  Chris and McEwan going to the football game together.

3.  Going to Salt Lake with my Annie, Sophie and my parents to YUMMY Z tejas, Even with throwing screaming as loud as she could as we walked in "I WANT RUMBIS" yes even my mom and dad  were getting mad at her :) !!!

4.  My new church clothes. Which I needed so badly.

5.  Sushi with Chris! I love you!!!


November 20, 2009

1. Having all morning and afternoon at home doing nothing. Even though there was laundry dishes and vaccuming to be done. I Loved just being with my Husband.

2. Being with my husband all day after being away from him for 4 days! I just LOVE you so much!!!!

3. Having the boutique over! It was lots of Fun and I learned LOTS!!!

4. Fun Family date night with My HUBBY, Kids and parents. We went to Shoots for some yum Chineese and then watched Star Trek together.

5. Eating at In and Out at 10:30 at night with Chris!


November 17, 2009

1. McEwan choosing to be baptised on November 14, 2009 by his dad Chris Merrill. I am so LUCKY, Blessed, Happy, to have these boys in my life! I love them so much and am so Greatful for all that they do for me and there great example to me and for there LOVE and kindness they show me . I love you boys!

2. Chris for all his hardwork to support our family and how he spoils me like crazy!

3. Annie for the LOve and Good example she is to McEwan and Sophie, I Love how she is so kind and loving towards them!

4. Sophie She makes me laugh so much, I look and her and have to smile! She is such a sweet heart! I loved when we were out hanging up flyers on peoples doors she always wanted to knock and tell them " my mom is having boutique." it always made me laugh!

5. My Savior Jesus Christ for the otonement and for the strong testimony I have of the true church! I have felt the spirit so much lately and my testimony has grown so much. I am so greatful for a family that has the same beliefs and love of the gospel as I do. I pray that my husband and I can be more involved in our ward and be able to have callings and fulfill them. I know that I am blessed everyday by my Heavenly Father!


november 12, 2009

I have Lots to be greatful for and I feel bad I havent updated in so LONG.....I have been busy with the boutique TOPHER!!!

1. Clean downstairs!

2. McEwan playing basketball and getting so good!

3. Sophie taking Chloe to school today and telling everyone her favorite thing to do is go potty outside! I love her!!!

4. Annie for all her help!!!! She is amazing, she helps so much with her brother and sister and has been helping me clean! Thanks so much!

5. My Hubby for all his runs to Texaco for me a beverage!

6. A family that loves me so much and wants to be with me!

7. Quiet time while my kids are in bed!

8. McEwan telling me that his pancackes tonight were the BEST he has ever had! and that I should go on Food Network!

9. Topher Letting me buy new curtains tomorrow!!!! ;)

10. Clean under stairs!

11. Topher for all the runs to our storage unit!


November 2, 2009

1. Happy Halloween is over and the decorations are down......and I am ready to get out christmas!!!

2. My happy Sophie in her cute pink sponge curlers ready for bed

3. Sitting here missing my hubby while he is at the Jazz game, but so thankful that he will be home to sleep with me and not in California.

4. My Cute kids and there hugs they gave me today when I got home from being gone all day.....oh how I love them so much.

5. My new cute CHRISTMAS decorations.....and NO topher I havent bought the Christmas tree yet that may come tomorrow! :) I love you!!! LOTS, More, Most!!!


November 1, 2009

1. Halloween was so FUN! I think this may have been my favorite one ever! Chris was the Tin Man, I had bright Turquoise contacts that looked SUPER creepy, Annie was a Fifties girl, McEwan Elvis, and Sophie the CUTEST Cupcake!!!! Its so fun to have a family to celebrate with!

2. My husbands Love for the gospel and the good example he is to our children and I.

3. Having a warm home to come home too!

4. Sewing Quilts I have done 3 in 5 days!

5. Clean Kitchen I love when it is Super clean!

6. Having the Tahoe moved off the road and filled with fuel!

7. Trick or treating with my kids!

8. Being able to hang out with my hubster everyday!

9. Annie's class Halloween party, the kids loved everything we did and it was so Fun! We did Haunted snow globes, mummy wrapped sugar daddys, donuts and homemade root beer, dress the scarecrow, and halloween pin wheels. Thanks to Topher for helping out. I love you Lots!

10. Payday!

11. Meeting with the Bishop and McEwan's Excitement to get baptized.

12. The Cutest baby jammies we bought in hopes for another baby someday soon.